From the design to the integration of avant-garde engines

Driven by a culture of challenge maintained for a long time in motorsport, Solution F puts its expertise at the service of all sectors of mobility. The adjoining design office and workshop, specializing in propulsion systems (combustion and electric engines) and hybridization, integrate these solutions into all types of vehicles, from design to operation, including production and simulation.

For nearly 40 years, Solution F has forged unique expertise in the manufacturing, assembly, development and operation of prototypes and small series of vehicles. Even before its integration into the GCK group, the company had already been – for about twenty years – a pioneer in terms of ecological transition, with the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, particularly in the field of powertrains including hybrid, electric and hydrogen engines.

These solutions, which aim to decarbonize transport, are designed and integrated on site using modern manufacturing and simulation means (machining, welding, plastics processing, test bench, assembly). Our design office also benefits from the latest technologies developed by the sister companies of the GCK group and thus masters the design and operation of each of the elements of a “new generation” power chain, which allows it to set up better the different organs in a chassis.

Foenix H2

One of the world’s first racing GTs powered by a hydrogen combustion engine.

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Kit Twin-E

Discover the Twin-E kit- and transform a thermal vehicle into a plug-in hybrid

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